A Letter From Leighann

Our promise to you and to the people depending on you…

Getting a loan on a home……. a mortgage…..well, it shouldn’t be so hard, yet it is. Gone are the days of a good old fashioned hand shake. Document this and document that…..honestly it can just seem like SO much. Anyone who says that isn’t the case…..they just aren’t setting the clearest expectations. It can feel like a trip to the dentist office, and in not a fun way or maybe even the pat down as you go through airport security; BUT, we are here to get you smiling and walking away from the whole process and experience better!

What can we do to make you smile? Mostly by telling you what is going to come next, by being honest, by answering the phone, by not spamming you with emails or robo calls. At Kellibrooke we want you to know you matter, your privacy matters, your goals and dreams matter, and that we absolutely want you to walk away more empowered from having worked with us. Quite frankly we want to be your mortgage broker for life because we feel like part of the family.

Yours Truly,
